Mar 26, 2018
If expansion, equilibrium, decline, and absorption were a family, equilibrium would be the middle child—the one accidentally ignored until it inexplicably acts out. Decline, on the other hand, would be the youngest because it gets too much attention at the wrong times.
Parents are most successful when they can adjust...
Mar 19, 2018
Most investors know the four market phases. The words absorption, expansion, equilibrium, and decline are mentioned all the time. Yet how many actually know each phase's finer details, the info that really matters?
In today's podcast, Jared and Tom cover some of the biggest mistakes new investors make in expansion...
Mar 12, 2018
Many new investors get caught up in the hype of the 1% rule. It's easy, after all, to think you'll be guaranteed great cash flow when your rent is at least 1% of the property's investment price.
But finer details make the real difference in investing, and the 1% rule can be relatively useless if you don't use it...
Mar 5, 2018
What does it take to do a renovation job correctly? Whether you’re renovating a property to flip it and put it back on the market in your local area or looking to invest in a property in another state where it’s not as easy for you to stop by and check the renovation progress, knowing the correct process...