Oct 16, 2017
As a new real estate investor, it is critical to know how to pick the best markets that will give you the highest returns on your investment. But many new, as well as veteran investors often turn to outdated market research and information published on the internet and in books.
On today’s episode, Jared and Tom dive into the do’s and don’ts of selecting the right markets for your investments. They explain what factors you should consider when picking a market to invest in, the effects of relying on old data to make investing decisions, and why it’s important to compare apples to apples while investing in real estate.
“More important than return on investment is return OF investment.” - Jared Garfield
In This Episode of ROI Wealth Watch:
Wealth Watch Words of Wisdom:
Resources Mentioned:
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Help Others Buy Real Estate in the Right Markets at the Right Times!
Thanks for tuning into today’s episode of the ROI Wealth Watch podcast with Jared Garfield - your resource for learning to buy real estate in the right markets at the right times. If you enjoyed this episode, head over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review. Subscribe to the show so you never miss an episode, and visit our website to grab your free gifts!
And, if you’re looking for the best turnkey rental properties to invest and renovate to maximize your real estate portfolio, visit the Rich Life Real Estate website to view turnkey rental opportunities or speak with an investment advisor for more information.