Jan 8, 2018
Welcome to the first episode of the ROI Wealth Watch podcast with your host, Jared Garfield. On today’s episode, Jared and his co-host, Tom Obenchain, discuss the importance of building passive income and how it can help you live the life you want while also creating an inheritance plan for your family and loved ones.
Jared and his team at Rich Life Real Estate have successfully handled over 1,000 real estate deals across the country, from fix and flips to property investment. He has coached thousands of clients across the United States, including Guy Kiyosaki and his team at Rich Dad, Poor Dad and the teams behind Flip This House and Flipping Vegas.
Tom Obenchain has worked with multiple Fortune 10 companies, specifically in the communications industry. He is extremely talented in tackling various challenging and complex topics and simplifying them into easy-to-understand concepts. Tom is a relatively new real estate investor and he joins the show to help simplify some of the most complex topics regarding real estate investing so you understand the importance of planning ahead as well as the strategies to help you build the life you deserve.
In This Episode of ROI Wealth Watch:
Real Estate Tips for New Investors:
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Help Others Buy Real Estate in the Right Markets at the Right Times!
Thanks for tuning into today’s episode of the ROI Wealth Watch podcast with Jared Garfield - your resource for learning to buy real estate in the right markets at the right times. If you enjoyed this episode, head over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review. Subscribe to the show so you never miss an episode, and visit our website to grab your free gifts!
And, if you’re looking for the best turnkey rental properties to invest and renovate to maximize your real estate portfolio, visit the Rich Life Real Estate website to view turnkey rental opportunities or speak with an investment advisor for more information.